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(AEE, MET, CLNO, ENB) Stock Report from

August 27th, 2011 at 04:04 pm

Cleantech Transit, Inc. (CLNO)
Cleantech Transit, Inc. is in the business of producing and conserving power. Cleantech Transit produces and sells clean electricity globally, with a focus on sustainable energies using renewable resources such as Geothermal, Solar and Wind. Cleantech Transit's goal is to use innovative technologies to reduce electricity consumption and dependence on carbon based energy. Cleantech Transit, Inc. was founded in 2006 and is based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Biomass energy, at the level of consumption, is virtually indistinguishable from other energy. The main difference is its source. Biomass refers to relatively recently living organic material such as wood, leaves, paper, food waste manure and other items usually considered garbage. Biomass fuel sources burn cleaner than fossil fuels by emitting less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and do not pose the environmental risk of nuclear energy. Unlike fossil fuels, the carbon emitted from the production of biomass energy does not significantly upset the atmospheric balance because it has not left the carbon cycle, a process which takes carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis and stores it in the living tissue of plant cells.

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